Local Tips for Visiting Joshua Tree
Welcome to Joshua Tree!
Your Ultimate Guide To All Things Joshua Tree
When people say they’re “going to Joshua Tree,” they usually mean Joshua Tree National Park (JTNP). It’s sometimes confusing because there’s a town with the same name. The town of Joshua Tree hosts the most popular entrance to Joshua Tree National Park, so you can go through Joshua Tree (The Town) to get to Joshua Tree (The Park)!
While the town is tiny, the park is over 790,000 square acres of desert. In fact, JTNP is bigger than the state of Rhode Island! Yes, it's magical. Yes, it's amazing. Yes, it's beautiful. But it's still a desert—and like most deserts—it can be hostile and unforgiving. People die here every year because they don’t follow the basic rules of survival: bring plenty of water, stay on the trail, let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return.
In the park there is:
NO WATER (bring it)
NO FOOD SERVICE (bring it)
NO LODGING/HOTELS (only camping)
REMEMBER! You’re in the Desert!
Bring more water than you think you’ll need.
The arid climate sucks the moisture right out of you.
One gallon per person per day is a good starting point.Bring more food than you think you’ll need.
Desert exploration is not the time to start a diet!
Salty snacks and electrolyte drinks are good, but bring real food, too.The majority of people who got lost—and died—left an established trail,
usually to take a photo. It’s deceptively easy to get lost in the desert.
Pay attention to landmarks and always stay on the trail.Cell Service is very limited
While a surprise text might come through now and then,
plan on being out of touch while you’re in the park.
For some, this lack of digital connectivity feels like a spiritual experience. Enjoy it! But remember that you can’t call for help if you need to.
JTNP is the Closest National Park
to Los Angeles & San Diego
Getting to the park is half the fun! Located in the Southern California High Desert, you’ll drive through stunning landscapes no matter which direction you approach from.
Get an
Annual National Park Pass
When you get to the park, you'll need to pay your entrance fee: do you get a 7-Day pass for $30, an annual Joshua Tree pass $55, for or do you spring for the America the Beautiful, National Parks & Federal Recreational Lands Pass for $80? ($20 for those over 62.) It's pretty much a no brainer if you think there’s even a slight chance you’ll visit other National Parks this year: the annual Inter-Agency Pass pays for itself with two or three park entrances. There is also a Senior lifetime pass ($80)* and a free Military Pass for veterans.
*The $20 annual Senior passes can be saved and turned in for a lifetime pass once you have four of them!
The Inter-Agency Pass gets you into every National Park for FREE for the next twelve months. Seniors (62 and over) also get half-off campsites at all federal campgrounds!
Tip: Get your pass at the Visitors Center before heading up to the park entrance, or even buy online before you leave home! While you can buy a pass at the kiosk, this is what slows down the line to get in.
At the entrance kiosk, make sure to get a map and the current newsletter. Hint: Try not to arrive midday on Saturday—that’s rush hour. There can be 30-100 cars/RVs in front of you in line. (If you have an Annual Pass, park workers might divert you to another lane when it’s busy. You skip the wait!)
Tip: If you’re entering the park at the West Entrance, make sure to fill up your water containers there—it's your last chance for water before entering the park. Also, if you arrive after hours (when the park entrance station is not staffed), you can still enter the park. (Free maps are in the brown box). However, when you exit the park, you will be asked to show your pass or receipt as proof of payment—or pay—if you didn’t on the way in.
The town of Joshua Tree is a Community of Artists,
Musicians, and Shops
There are an amazing number of artists and musicians in the town of Joshua Tree. Between the Farmers Market and the numerous Art Events and Art Galleries—and live music venues—you'll see creativity and local pride everywhere.
Downtown Joshua Tree is centered the corner of Hwy 62 and Park Blvd. but spans east and west on Hwy 62.
So, after you've visited the park, check out the town! Ditch your car and take a walk. Wander through the small shops and galleries
and grab a bite in a local cafe.
What you won't find in town are fast food restaurants, "super stores," or high rise luxury condos. This is by design. The residents have worked very hard to keep their town "authentic." The town of Joshua Tree looks much the same as it did back in the 1960s. So, the money you spend locally helps the locals, not big corporations headquartered elsewhere.
Check out the Night Life
There are some good restaurants and clubs in Joshua Tree and the surrounding communities. There's something about the sound of a Gibson on a warm summer night. Joshua Tree is kind of a haven (heaven?) for musicians as well. They say Jim Morrison haunts this place.
Stay local at a unique location
If you stay locally in Joshua Tree, you can explore the park until late at night (stargazing) and still get back to your place within 30 minutes (and wake up in a cozy bed!). Try something in the town of Joshua Tree. There's no need to stay at some Motel "XXX" in some other town. Yuck!
Visit Intersection Rock
Intersection Rock (west side)
If you're entering the park from the West Entrance (Joshua Tree), this is your first major stop. It's a good place to get your boots on the ground, check the maps, and determine where you want to go for the rest of the day. (Hidden Valley gets more press, but it also gets more tourists). Intersection Rock is located roughly in the ‘center' of the main area of the park.
There are lots of trails nearby and you'll have a very good chance of seeing some climbers in action. Take a walk around. If you're planning on spending the night, there's a first-come, first served campground nearby.
… and Arch Rock (east side)
If you entered thru the North Entrance (29 Palms) or the South Entrance (Cottonwood/Hwy 10), Arch Rock is a good first stop for exploring. It's in the White Tank Campground.
Arch Rock is a special place. There are a ton of little trails behind it that weave in and out of rock piles. It's hard to get lost there because all of the trails seem to wind back to the camping/parking area. There are only a few parking spots (besides the campsites), but that's what makes it special.
There are over 500 campsites
Camping in Joshua Tree is amazing. You get to sleep under a zillion stars and wake up in the middle of the California desert. If you're lucky, you'll get to hear coyotes howling in the distance. Spooky, but amazing.
There are over 300 campsites within the park boundaries. The fee averages $15 per night. There is no running water or electricity in the campsites—so bring everything you need.
See our campground guide for detailed information.
Go Rock Climbing!
Joshua Tree provides unique opportunities for climbers, hikers and photographers Whether you are a beginner or more experienced - guides and workshops help you experience the park - better and safer. Hiking guides know the best locations in the park - to match your skills. Climbing guides have the proper equipment and they will make your experience safe. Photography guides know where, and when, to capture amazing images.
Here are some Local Tours, Guides and Workshops
Learn Milky Way Photography
You can see the Milky Way
Joshua Tree is one of the best places for stargazing in the country (and the planet!) The reason is that the Park is located in the High Desert (3000-5000 ft above sea level) and it is located far from major cities (which create light pollution). The East side of the park is best for stargazing. Out East there is very little light pollution from cities, since the closest major city (looking East) is Phoenix, about 300 miles away!
To get the best chance of seeing a zillion stars, you'll need to do a little planning before your trip. Now, you're probably not a werewolf, so you don't live by the light of the moon, but the next time you head to the park, google "moon phase" to see when the moon will rise and set that night. You want to visit when the moon is NOT in the night sky.